Get MPCE 024 Practical File for MAPC Second Year- IGNOU

IGNOU MPCE 024 practical file

MPCE 024 Practical File in Counselling Psychology is a comprehensive program designed for individuals interested in developing their counselling skills. The program focuses on various practicals that help participants develop their knowledge and understanding of counselling psychology. Out of the various practicals, any five needs to be completed and noted down in the practical notebook. However, Interviewing skill practice is compulsory.

Understanding the Practicals of MPCE 024: Practicum in Counselling Psychology

The following practicals are to be conducted in MPCE 024 Practical File in Counselling Psychology:

  • Interviewing Skill Practice
  • Intelligence Testing (WAIS, Standard Progressive Matrices)
  • Sentence Completion Test
  • Bender Gestalt Test
  • Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)
  • Interest Inventory
  • Career Preference Record

Why choose our MPCE 024 Practical File for MAPC Second Year?

Here are a few reasons why you should consider us

  • we provide in-depth coverage of all the important topics in the MAPC course.
  • It includes practical examples and exercises to help you understand the practical applications of the theories.
  • It contains sample projects, blueprints, and other materials that can help you with your practical assignments and exams.
  • We do provide unique practical files for MAPC student, and it is available at a reasonable price. For Unique and plagiarism-free files Whatsapp us.

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Interviewing Skill Practice – The Basics

Interviewing skill practice is a crucial part of MPCE 024 Practical File in Counselling Psychology. This practical helps individuals develop their interviewing skills and provides an understanding of the counselling process. Participants are expected to develop their interpersonal and communication skills through this practical.

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Intelligence Testing (WAIS, Standard Progressive Matrices) – Understanding the Concept

Intelligence Testing is an important aspect of MPCE 024 Practical File in Counselling Psychology. The WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) and Standard Progressive Matrices tests are used to measure an individual’s intelligence and cognitive abilities. These tests help individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses and how they can use them to their advantage in the counselling process.

Sentence Completion Test – Uncovering Hidden Thoughts

The Sentence Completion Test is a part of MPCE 024 Practical File in Counselling Psychology that helps individuals uncover their hidden thoughts and feelings. Participants are expected to complete unfinished sentences, which can provide insights into their unconscious thoughts. This practical is crucial for individuals who want to understand their thought patterns and emotions better.

Bender Gestalt Test – A Window into the Mind

The Bender Gestalt Test is a visual test that forms a part of MPCE 024: Practicum in Counselling Psychology. Participants are expected to complete a series of images and patterns, which can provide a window into their mind. This practical helps individuals understand their thought patterns and emotions better and can be useful in the counselling process.

Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) – A Measure of Potential

The Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) is a part of MPCE 024: Practicum in Counselling Psychology that measures an individual’s potential in various areas. This test is used to determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in areas such as verbal, numerical, and mechanical aptitude. This practical can help individuals understand their potential and how they can use it to their advantage in the counselling process.

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Interest Inventory – Discovering Your Passion

Interest Inventory is a part of MPCE 024: Practicum in Counselling Psychology that helps individuals discover their passion and interests. Participants are expected to take a series of tests that measure their interests and hobbies. This practical can help individuals understand their interests and how they can use them to their advantage in the counselling process.